Franchise Owner Ken Rickoski, AAMCO Claymont, DE, Offers Free Automotive Check Ups In Celebration Of National Car Care Month
AAMCO of Claymont is also celebrating the location’s 10th anniversary during the Community Car Clinic Day event.
AAMCO | 10/19/2016AAMCO of Claymont, DE owner Ken Rickoski is hosting a “Community Car Clinic Day” and offering free car check ups for local residents on Oct. 22 in celebration of National Car Care Month.
AAMCO of Claymont is also celebrating the location’s 10th anniversary during the Community Car Clinic Day event. Attendees will have the chance to participate in giveaways and freebies, as well as view classic cars on display.
“Community Car Clinic Day was created in efforts to bring awareness to National Car Care Month and give back to the local residents of Claymont,” said Rickoski. “With the winter months quickly approaching, it’s important vehicle owners receive car check ups to prepare for colder driving conditions. We are excited to offer local residents a complimentary vehicle check and look forward to serving the local community for many years to come.”